We believe in God, the Creator, Holy and Eternal, who called and created the world and all of creation into being and created humankind in the divine image.
We believe in Jesus Christ, a Jew of Nazareth, our crucified and risen Lord, in whom God came enfleshed and was made known to us - in whose life, ways, and teachings we follow. Because he came to share in our humanity, he conquered sin and death and reconciled the whole creation to back to God.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, given to us by God, unifying the church of Jesus Christ, and empowering us to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.
We believe that God created humankind for community and connection. We believe that we were never meant to walk this journey of life alone - life is best lived in community. But since we live in a broken and fragmented world, we exist to restore connections and to collaborate with others to serve our communities around the world. We believe that the church works best when the diversity, fullness, and expanse of God's good gifts are welcomed, valued, and included.
We believe that Christianity is a communal faith that is as concerned about the wholeness of the entire community here on earth as it is with the things of heaven. So, we commit to a deeper discipleship that compels us to seek more than our personal salvation but strives for the salvation and flourishing of all people.
Centering the Gospel as good news to the poor, oppressed, and the underserved of humanity, we work towards the liberation, freedom, and wholeness of all people. Love is at the heart of all that we do - we believe that if we're not loving our neighbor, we're not loving God.
As the church, we are invited to join in Christ's mission in Luke 4 that proclaims good news to the poor, freedom for all who are captive, and serves all of humanity. We are called to a deeper discipleship that advocates for the "least of these" and challenges unjust systems, structures, and institutions that hinders this freedom for all.
As the church, we are the body of Christ, a part of God's family, so we preach and teach the good news of God's redeeming love and restorative grace that has the power to change lives, reform communities, and transform our world. As a trauma-informed church, we seek the restoration, health, and healing of all creation in all that we do.
We are a justice-loving, justice seeking church that puts our faith into action by living the Gospel of Christ that advocates for the "least of these" and challenges the unjust structures and systems of our society to create a more loving, just, and equitable world.